Lezecká Stěna Bělá

Offer for schools
The Full Story
Introductory talk
Boulder training and games - Climbing to a safe height without the need for belaying.
Rope climbing - Free climbing accompanied by a belaying instructor.
Sample and try out slacklining
Gymnastic rings, rope and pole climbing
Evaluation of the experience by pupils
Introduction to climbing on an artificial wall is intended for primary and secondary school students. A smaller group accompanied by teachers is ideal. The maximum number should not exceed 25 pupils.
The lesson lasts 2 hours and the guides are experienced rock climbing or artificial wall climbing instructors.
We start by talking about mountain climbing, its forms, equipment, etc., when we also find out the experiences of the students present.
The children are then divided, one group starts on the boulder (climbing without a rope), the other group is secured by instructors while climbing on a rope. In the meantime, children can use the gymnastic rings and try walking on a slackline or climbing on a rope and pole. Pupils take turns in the activities.
At the end of the block, students have the opportunity to evaluate the activity.
All necessary equipment is included in the price to rent on the wall.
Our intention is to motivate young people to exercise and broaden their horizons.